my favorite book

I'm not a very good reader, it's hard for me to concentrate and give myself the time to do it.
I prefer to read mystery or crime stories, and sometimes love novels.
But I think that one of my favorite authors is Mario Benedetti. Benedetti is an Uruguayan writer who has several narrative, dramatic and poetic novels. The one I like the most by far is called "La Tregua", which tells the story of a widowed man on the edge of the jubilee, who finds love again. Benedetti is very descriptive, and I like that.
The last book I read, It's called "Unbearable lightness of being" writed by Milan Kundera. It was a hard book for me, it was a bit confusing because it tells several stories at once but all with a good plot. Neverthless, I recomend this author because he has an interesting way of writing, maybe at first is vary confusing but then you get used to it. Also because he have a lot of good reviews around the world. I thnik that reading it's very important for the develope of human thinking, it helps to organize what you think and your opinions.


  1. This book I read it when I went to school, but I don't like so much :( Maybe I should read again to see if I change my mind.. ;)


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